A flat roof replacement decision can be made based on a few simple variables. It is important for you to know whether you should look at the projected cost of flat roof repair or flat roof replacement. Some of our former clients ignored minor leaks or damage to their roofs. Do not act in this way. Leaving a leaking flat roof unrepaired for an extended period of time can cause the wooden timbers to rot, which can weaken the structure and increase the expense of a replacement. If you are based in Farmington Hills, MI, look no further than Core Values Construction. Get in touch with us now at 517-260-3957.
Whenever we have dealt with a job which had a serious flat roof leaking problem, we have recommended to replace the roof to stop recurring issues. To check the roof timbers and other interior areas for water damage, we would normally have to remove the material (such as felt) from the surface. Our advice is to have our professional roofers check the building’s integrity to make sure it’s safe to repair the roof.
Ponding Water

It’s possible that this work will not cost you very much. When water collects in pools on your flat roof rather than running out into the gutters, you have a drainage problem. You must have your pitch adjusted so that water flows away from the surface and does not damage your property. We found that leaks and rotting can occur if water is kept for too long and too frequently. A new flat roof may be in order if this has occurred.
Fissures, chafing, and blistering
This is the worst possible thing to find on your roof, and it’s a glaring warning that your flat roof needs to be replaced. Extreme temperatures and ultraviolet light degrade materials over time, causing the waterproof coatings to flake off and the materials to deteriorate. For examples, this is a common occurrence on EPDM rubber flat roofs. This is relevant to any construction-related motion as well. Flat roofs are susceptible to tears and cracks if the building has shifted, which is common in older buildings.
If you are based in the Farmington Hills, Michigan area, look no further than Core Values Construction. Get in touch with us now at 517-260-3957.