Single-Ply Roofing – Plymouth, MI

When you need craftsmen for a single-ply roofing project in Plymouth, MI, get in contact with the experts at Core Values Construction! With first-rate single-ply roofing services, we’ll help keep your building protected from above! For expert assistance, get in contact with our experienced crew today at 517-260-3957.

Roof Coatings

Core Values Construction has a great reputation in the state of Michigan, in part because of the fantastic roof restoration services that we offer. Our roof coatings are seamless, reflective, and extremely effective at extending the life of single-ply roofing systems. If you believe that a roof coating might be the way to go for your roof system, give us a ring!

Flat Roof Experts

Flat roof systems require a different set of roofing skills and expertise. Since the craftsmen at Core Values Construction specialize in commercial roofing, they work on flat roofs often! Our flat roof experts will help you get the most out of your investment in a single-ply roofing system!

A Quality Safety Record


A lot of roofing companies bend the rules when it comes to safety standards. For a company with a quality safety record that will get any sort of commercial roof project done correctly and safely, go with Core Values Construction. Hiring our experts for a project can give you a great deal of peace of mind!

Cost-Effective Solutions

When your commercial building needs roofing specialists for a project, you can come to Core Values Construction for a mixture of great prices and top-quality solutions. We’ll make it easy for you to get a long-lasting roof system without having to overpay! Since we offer a ton of different roofing services, we’ll be able to find the most cost-effective solutions for your property.

Call us today!

Core Values Construction is here to stay and can help with all of your commercial roofing needs now and down the road. We take on single-ply roofing projects often and have earned a great reputation through years of quality services. If you are in Plymouth, MI, you can contact our team today at 517-260-3957 to find out more!